Friday, July 20, 2012

My Uncle’s Art Show

Today is one of my Friday’s off (YAY) and this weekend Jay and I are heading down to the ocean with my parents. When my uncle said he was having an art show last night, it only made sense to ride the Marc train to the Camden Station and go to the show in Federal Hill.


My uncle’s pieces are of most of architecture (he is an architect). He had some great stuff from familiar places like the Inner Harbor and DC during the Cherry Blossoms. He also had some great prints of Philadelphia and Paris. My personal favorite was one he had of Moulin Rouge.

Sorry there aren’t more photos, I left Jay and his iPhone up to photography last night :/


After the show the family headed to SOBO Café for dinner. It was a lot of fun to catch up with the family over mojitos.

I had their Veggie Linguine with heirloom tomatoes, dandelion greens, arugula pesto,
fresh mozzarella. It was delicious and a great way to end this work week.

Well I am off to a day packed with dates and then the beach. Have a great weekend!!

PS: the picture to the right above is John Wayne, Jay say it in the Men’s bathroom and had to take a picture. Meanwhile, no art in the women’s bathroom.