I recently joined a Chick Lit Book Club and for the month of August, our pick was Eat, Pray, Love. Since I knew I was unable to attend our monthly Meetup because I was on vacation, I decided to hold off on the book until said vacation at the beach.
Fortunately or unfortunately, not sure which yet, this book took me a lot longer to digest. When I think about Chick Lit, I assume that I will be able to finish the book in one beautiful weekend at the beach. This book did not meet that expectation.

I flew through the first section “Eat” of this book. It lived up to all Chick Lit expectations that I ever had, and then I began reading “Pray”… and I realized that some Chick Lit still needs to be digested slowly like a great bowl of Italian pasta accompanied by a bold red wine on a beautiful cool evening in Rome.
This brings me to the point of this post. Instead of my normal book review post read, I decided to review this book by section and maybe a one post about the book as a whole.
So, let US Eat together!
This brings me to the point of this post. Instead of my normal book review post read, I decided to review this book by section and maybe a one post about the book as a whole.
So, let US Eat together!
or in Gilbert's words: "Say It Like You Eat It"or 36 Tales About the Pursuit of Pleasure
Like many, I thoroughly enjoyed the “Eat” section of this novel. I enjoyed living through Gilbert’s words with her in Rome.

Of, all Liz’s (I feel like I can call her that because she calls herself by her first name) locations, I have only traveled to Rome, Florence and Venice. Therefore, I could truly walk along side her as she described various places she visited on her journey to find pleasure.
Her experience is unlike many travelers I know. She actually immersed herself in to Italian culture. She rents an apartment, enrolls in Italian class and makes many friends (both Italian and those also seeking pleasure through the Italian lifestyle).
Her interactions with locals and travelers alike are well documented and described. Her use of intermittent Italian is inspiring! I truly felt like I was there with her, trying to master a new language, talking with attitude and hands, eating each and every gelato, piece of pasta and pizza pie.
Eat, is a topic of many blogger’s. Many of us start blogs as a way to document our journey to a healthy lifestyle. As a new blogger myself, with a broader goal than just healthy eating and living, but reading, and maybe now praying, I found this section especially prominent to how half of our society lives.
Half of our society is in a constant battle with obesity (many have have let it win) and the other half is trying to live a more healthy, sustainable, local and fit lifestyle. The “Eat” section encompasses both!
Liz talks about how in New York she lived this health conscious lifestyle but needed a break. She describes her body on hold in Italy. Her body says to her to live and eat like an Italian now, because it knows this will not last forever. I think this is a great point! It is great to live a healthy lifestyle, but it is also healthy to be glutenous here and there!
Her experience is unlike many travelers I know. She actually immersed herself in to Italian culture. She rents an apartment, enrolls in Italian class and makes many friends (both Italian and those also seeking pleasure through the Italian lifestyle).
Her interactions with locals and travelers alike are well documented and described. Her use of intermittent Italian is inspiring! I truly felt like I was there with her, trying to master a new language, talking with attitude and hands, eating each and every gelato, piece of pasta and pizza pie.
Eat, is a topic of many blogger’s. Many of us start blogs as a way to document our journey to a healthy lifestyle. As a new blogger myself, with a broader goal than just healthy eating and living, but reading, and maybe now praying, I found this section especially prominent to how half of our society lives.
Half of our society is in a constant battle with obesity (many have have let it win) and the other half is trying to live a more healthy, sustainable, local and fit lifestyle. The “Eat” section encompasses both!
Liz talks about how in New York she lived this health conscious lifestyle but needed a break. She describes her body on hold in Italy. Her body says to her to live and eat like an Italian now, because it knows this will not last forever. I think this is a great point! It is great to live a healthy lifestyle, but it is also healthy to be glutenous here and there!
At one point she mentions gaining close to 20 lbs (some of it needed, some of it unwanted) but she looked healthy and she knew it would disappear during her vegetarian stint at the Indian Ashram.
Liz relives her divorce, lust, reflections and gluttony in this section of the book, which makes it the most “Chick Lit Like" of her three stories (or as far as I know from starting pray and word on the street).
If you are not willing to invest in the entire novel, I strongly recommend speaking and eating like an Italian with Elizabeth "Liz" Gilbert in the “Eat” section of Eat, Pray, Love.
Have you read Eat, Pray, Love? How did you feel about the “Eat” section?
Liz relives her divorce, lust, reflections and gluttony in this section of the book, which makes it the most “Chick Lit Like" of her three stories (or as far as I know from starting pray and word on the street).
If you are not willing to invest in the entire novel, I strongly recommend speaking and eating like an Italian with Elizabeth "Liz" Gilbert in the “Eat” section of Eat, Pray, Love.
Have you read Eat, Pray, Love? How did you feel about the “Eat” section?