I wish I had the motivation to join him, but once I get going I can't stop unless I am finished. A recent goal has been to do more core training. Lately, I have been trying to incorporate push-ups and sit-ups post run. This morning I was successful with 15 push-ups (they are getting easier) and 30 sit-ups (10 front and 10 on each side).
After a nice shower, I made some chocolate chip oatmeal (Kirkland brand) with peanut butter and sat down on our balcony with a hot cup of coffee. I love my new apartment!
Yesterday, besides my lovely breakfast, I also got up and went to Yoga outside. It was a great way to start my morning and my week. Now the big debate on whether to join a gym or not and continue doing yoga...
Decisions, decisions...
Do you belong to a gym?