Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Oy Vey One of THOSE Days

Jeesh! I don't even know where to begin! I was definitely one of THOSE days! Which is a shame because I looked really really cute!

Pre - 9 a.m. went pretty well, I went to yoga, had an amazing oatmeal concoction,

finished my portion of the Traveling Scarf I was on (before and after below)

and blew dry my hair (if only you knew what novelty that is!) and put on a pretty cute outfit.

Then... everything went down hill. First, I found out the Prince William was engaged to Kate Middleton and suddenly my hopes of becoming Queen went out the window. Just kidding! I am very happy for them that they are finally engaged, but aren't we all sad that the world's most eligible bachelor is off the market?

Ok, then everything went down hill.... I don't know if you heard or met anyone that was affected by this, but I was and it was nerve racking! Today, Facebook mistakenly disabled thousands(?) of accounts. This really threw me off guard. Not only am I an original Facebook user (Were you part of Facebook when it was only open for the Boston area Universities?) but I am the most harmless person with numerous privacy settings. It is amazing how violated I felt. It was not like my identity was stolen, but at the same time was it?

If you lost access to Facebook, how would you feel?

It really made me reevaluate what I put on my Facebook page. And, you better believe I went on and changed a few things as soon as I got access back!

In other news, as I walked from work to get my haircut I managed to spill coffee on myself and almost get hit by a car. AWESOME! To further my "I can't control anything day" my hairdresser was running late, so my 5:30 appointment suddenly turned into a 6:15 appointment. At least I always love what she does!

Yup, I actually have layers and styling again! I need to work haircuts into my schedule more often! How often do you get your haircut?

I just put my pre-chopped Roasted Root Veggies in the oven for tomorrows work Thanksgiving Potluck. Yup, Round 2. Thankfully, I thought cooking through ahead of time and chopped up all the veggies last night.

I only had four containers full of chopped veggies... I am hoping to have enough to save for the Apartment!

Well, 12 hours after my world took a turn down the wrong street things are looking up again. I am now parked in front of the TV about to watch Parenthood, checking my Facebook account and smelling roasted veggies.

I just hope tomorrow is less stressful post 9 a.m. At least I started my day off right and I looked cute!

Do your THOSE days work themselves out by the evening?