It was so nice, I came home from work today to find Jay studying at our dining room table. He never does that!! But we also usually don't spend sooo much time apart!
We both popped open a Michelob wheat beer. I had the Ginger beer which I liked, but Jay says it has too much Ginger. We also both approve of Shock Top, but prefer a lemon in it (rather than an orange). With my beer in hand, I turned on Gilmore Girls (we're on season 5) and began to cook.

Tonight, the menu consisted of a broccoli chicken pasta dish. But, in my typical fashion, I threw any veggie in the fridge in the pan.
I started by caramelizing 1/4 of an onion. This onion was in the freezer and again no tears! I then ran about 8 frozen chicken tenders under cool water (to defrost slightly), chopped them up and threw them in the pan.
While the chicken was cooking, I chopped up my broccoli in small trees (that is what my little brother called them when we were little). I also threw in some frozen spinach (defrost in the microwave first) and some chopped asparagus.
When the chicken was ready and the water was boiling, I threw the rest of the veggies in the pan and covered (with a cookie sheet). I cook about 1 1/4 cup pasta. Thanks to food shopping trips with Theresa I now buy Whole Foods pasta. Unfortunately, this week I didn't have time to pick some up, so instead I used 1/2 Giant brand and 1/2 Nature's Promise.
When the pasta is done, pour over your veggie chicken concoction and viola! dinner! We added some Parmesan cheese and our left-over chicken and veggis went over some Romain lettuce for lunch.

The only disappointing part of the day was my short morning run. Unfortunately, with the DC summer heat and humidity, morning runs are becoming harder and harder. I did manage to get out in the morning, but only ran 2 miles instead of my target of 4 miles. At least I walk to work and Jay and I got in an evening stroll.
The only disappointing part of the day was my short morning run. Unfortunately, with the DC summer heat and humidity, morning runs are becoming harder and harder. I did manage to get out in the morning, but only ran 2 miles instead of my target of 4 miles. At least I walk to work and Jay and I got in an evening stroll.
Tomorrow is my day off, but since I feel that I have barely been running I may try Iowa Girl Eats 8 minute At-Home Cardio Circuit.