Friday, February 17, 2012

Catch-up Friday

Hi friends!! Sorry I have not been very consistent this week! I have been super busy with traveling, work and life. Next week I leave for New Orleans for work, so this week was all about packing our freight. Wednesday, once we had all the boxes packed at work and I had finished freaking out about the event I have to run, I headed out to the bar :)

Now this wasn’t a normal wing night, it was a celebration because Doug just got back from Afghanistan!


We are all so glad that he is back safe and sound after a year a way!! And of course Courtney and I got a good laugh because we showed up in the exact same shirt!! Note to self, if you buy the same thing as your friend, check to make sure you don’t both show up in the same outfit!!


Now I am at my parents house because I had my dress fitting last night, Val’ final fitting tonight, Val’s Bachelorette party and my older brother, Jim, is in town. On top of all that, Charlotte is in Virginia visiting her parents so I am also going to see her this weekend. Yes, the long weekend is packed!!


But before more of the chaos starts, I spent today catching up on chores (I brought four loads of laundry to my parents house), doing my taxes (done!!) and running.

baltimore run

Haha, oh how I have missed awful post run photos!! I planned to go ten today, but the logical route near my parents came up just short to 9.4 miles. I figured when I got back to their neighborhood I would run for another 5 to 10 minutes in circles. This was before I remembered how hilly the run I planned was. I am actually really embarrassed by how many walking breaks I took and how long it took. This run definitely showed that I need to incorporate more hills into my workout routine!!


The first elevation chart was my run this morning, the second is a typical run around the Potomac. Pay close attention to the y-axis!! For the Baltimore run the y-axis runs from 300 to 500 feet while my normal elevation runs from 0 to 80 feet. Crazy right!! Plus I think the highest elevation point on my DC run is the Key Bridge :/. Maybe I’ll start planning more training runs while I am visiting my parents.


When I got home, I devoured a bowl of Jenna’s Black Eyed Pea Stew my mom made. This morning she told me about it, but I did not connect that it was Jenna’s recipe until after my run. It was surely delicious.

Well that is it for this Friday OFF!! I have a few more errands to run and some laundry to fold ;)

PS: below is a picture of the gift I finished for my mom earlier this week.


How are you celebrating President’s Day weekend?