Thursday, October 6, 2011

Recapping September


I can’t believe it’s already October! I can’t believe I’ve run my first 1/2 marathon! And yes this post is filled with random pictures from that race. But, this post is also filled with a recap of my September goals and what I look forward to accomplishing in October.

Weekday Training Runs: September was not a good month for weekday training runs. The further I run the longer my body needs to recover. While I did not meet my goal, I am completely satisfied with my training thus far.


BodyPump: I wanted to attend 6 classes, but only attended 4. I would really like to start going twice a week, but with the marathon right around the corner, I am going to stick to my Wednesday class for the month of October.

Yoga: Success!! I attended 2 classes last month, meeting my goal. Again, I would love to bump this goal up, but considering I already missed class this week I am going to shoot for two classes again this month.


100 Push-ups: This was an utter fail. I can not tell you the last time I used my 100 Push-up app. This is another goal I am going to save for November (post marathon, see a trend).

Happy Hour: I actually did not go to happy hour as much this month. Only 3 the entire month. I did have another planned, but canceled last minute due to the sniffles. For October, I would like to continue my once a month Happy Hour rule in order to keep my body and budget in order.


Start Christmas Shopping: Success! While I did not set a very specific goal here, I have made a lot of progress. I have purchased several gifts and know what I will be purchasing the majority of people on my list. Now I just need to stay focused on the few handmade gifts I plan to make. This year I was smarter and limited the number of gifts I plan to make.

Take care of myself: As I have alluded to in almost every goal, with the marathon right around the corner and the fall cold season in full swing, I really want to focus on me this month. That means lots of sleep, extra vitamin C, tip-top nutrition, foam roll and listening to my body.

preracepost race

Run a Marathon: We are 23 days away from one of my life-time goals. You better believe I am going to bring it!

What are your October goals?