Monday, May 9, 2011

Carolina Lovin’

1. Everyone I know from South Carolina is so nice. Tonight Jay and I had another softball game. Unlike our kickball league I always enjoy playing, even though we are not the best… Here is to a little more practice and hopefully a few wins.

Besides enjoying South Carolina’s friendliness in DC, I also loved how many people congratulated Joe as we walked around Saturday. Granted he did wear his graduation robe everywhere, but it was so sweet how many people gave him a shout out. It did not matter that they won’t even know him!


2. Columbia, SC’s character. How many other places name a street in the bar area after a band? I love Hootie & The Blowfish, not only because they met in 1986 as freshman at the University of South Carolina, but because they have made some great music. I also had the pleasure of seeing them preform and meeting them in person the first week I was in Columbia. Oh, and yes because they are USC Alumni.


3. Southerners fry EVERYTHING. case in point fried pickles


4. Carolina girls. I love that in the South, it is all about style. I love that Carolina girls dress to impress. Something I am going to try to make a priority this summer. Maybe a fashion page is in my future? … I hate to disappoint, but probably not.


5. Sorry another repeat from yesterday, but I love our song We Hail Thee Carolina. In the picture above the students are toasting to health of Carolina. I also love that they play our fight song at graduation. It is always fun to see the graduates get into it. Personally I thought it was bitter-sweet when I graduated since it also meant fewer football games. :(

6. The friends I made.


Do you play in any leagues in your free time?

Tell me a famous person or two who attended your alma mater.

How often do you see your friends from college? Have you lost touch with any of them?