Monday, February 14, 2011

A Simple Valentine’s Day

Today was a very simple Valentine’s Day.

DSCN6737Jay bought flowers for me and for Mary (from Travis).

DSCN6736 I made Mama Pea's Quinoa Stuffed Peppers.


We all agreed it was delicious and pretty simple!


After dinner, we made some chocolate fondue using my home-made double broiler. I think it is fate that one of our Pyrex dishes fits perfectly in one of our sauce pans.

DSCN6738And nothing says love like chocolate dipped fruit.


Plus, I came home to a surprise package from Florida. Many thanks to Lauren’s Mom.


How was your Valentine’s Day? How did you celebrate?

Ok, I had to share my favorite Valentine’s Day commercial. Because, really isn’t Valentine’s Day all about us?

Who is your Valentine’s Day all about?