Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wedding Wednesday: Portraits

Sorry for the lack of wedding post last week. I gave Jay my laptop so he could finish a presentation and I took his iPad. I did enjoy the iPad and I set myself up to share a picture-a-day with you while we're away, but I learned it could never be my primary computer. There are just too many things that I like about having a full laptop that the iPad could never do.

The lack of computer meant I could not download wedding photos from my external hard drive, which means you don’t get a wedding recap.  Up until now. So don't fear, I am back today with a run-down of our portraits and pictures! For simplicity's sake, I am only going to share a few (13 to be exact). I also tried to pull a few photos I have not yet shared on the blog.

Let me start with our first look.

1 - first look

I loved the idea of the first look from the beginning. It really took the edge off of the day and did not take away from the feeling of walking down the aisle. Our first look was in a little nook on the side of the house. It was *perfect* because it was just me, Jay and our photographers. This was the perfect way to start our married life together and I think these pictures show how excited we are.

3 - boysgirsl

Next I have the boys and girls. Both of the pictures above were taken prior to our first look. I love how goofy some of the guys photos are. They make me smile every time I look at them and truly bring out the boys’ personalities. The ladies look stunning as well :)

5 - gisriel

Next, we have the family portraits. We did get all the standard combinations, but I am just showing you the whole family. The one above is of my family, both brothers, sister-in-law, brother’s girlfriend, parents and us. Below is Jay's entire family, both sisters, brother-in-law, parents and nephew.

6 - bals

Next are a few of my favorite not-so-common family portraits. The first photo is of my two brothers and me. We aren't exactly the most lovey-dovey bunch, but as kids my dad always bugged us to take pictures. I mean, I have two brothers, we wrestled... we didn’t hug.  But, we’re all used to posing for my dad’s photos (and he ALWAYS bothered us about taking pictures). So, when Dani told my brothers to kiss me we all laughed, they obliged, and we got this keeper.

7 - brothers

Another one of my favorites is of my paternal cousins. The cousins on my dad’s side are all within a year of each other in age. Our oldest cousin is 29 and the youngest cousin is 21.

4 - cousins

This next photo set is 100 percent pinterest inspired! I really wanted a photo of the three generation: my mom, my maternal grandmother and me. We simply sat on the bench and Dani snapped this beauty. I love that we are all caught in the moment.

8 - 3 generations

After a few with us all looking at the camera, Dani took this shot of our rings. I love the look of this picture.


With the family all done, we got a few shots of the bridal party. The one below is my favorite. I love how natural everyone looks. As you can see, Dani has a great eye for balance and composition.

9 - bridal party

With all our formals done, we grabbed a few fun shots like this one of the boys holding me. And yes, Jay is groping me in each one of these shots. Boys!

10 - kiss

Next, we moved on to OUR portraits. Our wedding day was truly a perfect day, but if I was to pin-point my fondest memory, I would say it’s our portraits. We were around so many people all weekend, it was nice to have 30 minutes by ourselves.

12 - jay and sarah

Dani and her second shooter, Steve, were great at helping us relax and at keeping the mood light. It was so nice to have that time together alone(ish). Below are two of my favorite portraits. As you can imagine, I may have already posted some of my other favorites on the blog. It was just too hard to wait for this post!

13 - port

*** photos courtesy of Dani Leigh Photography***

For my married friends, which are your favorite portraits? For my single ladies, which pinterest finds would you want to incorporate at your wedding?