Thursday, November 3, 2011


Apparently, I used all my motivation and energy at the marathon last weekend, because this week have been unbelievably unmotivated to do anything and a little cranky.

I blame recovery and my lack in nutrition this week. I am so glad we are almost out of Halloween candy.

mcm finish covered

Wednesday morning I did go back to BodyPump. I know I have said this before, but I LOVE my Wednesday morning class. My instructor was all excited about the marathon and announced it to everyone. She really made me feel special.

By Wednesday my legs were starting to feel back to normal, until we did squats. Ouch! Even minimal weight was a chore. Regardless, I was glad I went. My upper body was craving a good workout.

Today, Jay and I attempted to run. When I say attempted I mean we probably only ran a mile of our planned 4 and then went on a nice long walk. It felt good to get out. With tapering and now recovery, I am so excited to get back to my normal fitness and eating routine next week.

Then it was all about preparing for the weekend. I love camping, but it does take some preparation. Thankfully I came home to Jay pulling out all our gear (don’t mind the chaotic shoe organizer… so much for being organized!!).


Since we are going with my mom and dad, we only had to pack lunches and dinner. For simplicity’s sake, I made peanut butter and jelly’s for both Saturday and Sunday.


And I (well actually Jay) made Chili. As a kid, my mom would make big pots of chili and spaghetti sauce and freeze it for camping. The frozen food would act as an ice pack in the cooler and was easier to prepare at the camp site.

Being lazy and unmotivated, Jay and I also enjoyed the chili tonight for dinner ;)


At least I know it’s good!!

What cooking tricks did you learn from your mom?