Two weekends ago (as in 10/15), when I went out with the girls in Old Town I learned a very important thing... I learned what makes up a great post long race meal.

The next weekend, in preparation for the 10 miler I decided to repeat my meal choice. I made Jay and I my vegetarian pasta and accompanied it with a Blue Moon beer.
With lots of Parmesan cheese on top, of course!
This meal (I believe I had 2 helpings) provided me with the perfect amount of fuel for an unbelievable race. Official Time: 1:35:54

Well, at least I got a great picture at the Warrior Dash!

As I mentioned in my Army Ten Miler post earlier this week, my knee started to hurt during the race. After a little bit of internet research, I believe it to be ITBS or IT Band Syndrome. Remember when my hip was hurting? Well, the symptoms I was feeling then are also common with ITBS.
Now, all I need is to go see a Physical Therapist. Good thing my friend sent me an e-mail about free Specialized Yoga classes in DC. After exploring their Web site, I was very excited to see that they do Post-Race Injury Clinics. I promptly e-mailed and have an appointment for tomorrow! I will let y'all know how it goes. But for more info, check out the Sports & Spinal Physical Therapy Web site.
What race injury's have you endured?
Are you running the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend? I am not, but if you are, and you hurt yourself, you should consider checking out the Sports & Spinal Physical Therapy Injury Clinic on Monday!