Happy Monday!!!
Below is a little recap from the weekend. Is it next weekend yet?

Jay was a god-send and drove from Alexandria to BWI. It only took us an 1 1/2 during rush hour, not bad, not bad.
Once we found Luke at the airport (easier said then done!) we cruised (I wish) over the Camden Yards for an Orioles/Yankees game. In July, we went up to Boston visit Luke and to
watch the O's beat the Red Sox's. Unfortunately, we weren't that lucky tonight, but it was a GREAT game. Plus, Luke finally got to see his real team play!

A nice little shot from our seats. We moved 3 innings into the game to the section in front of us because my friend Courtney was also at the game!

And of course, no O's post is complete without my favorite player, Brian Roberts. Roberts has been on the DL (disabled list) for the majority of the season :( This was my first game seeing him play this season (and probably my last).

Here are my boys watching the game. At the park we also got Luke some Boog's BBQ. With all the excitement of getting Boog's, I forgot to take a picture :( Never fear, I will go to another O's game and will review the infamous BBQ.
Oh! And when I say it was a good game I mean it! The O's had scored here and there throughout the game. But, the Yankee's scored one run in the first inning, then not again until the top of the 9th with a 3 run homer. It was heart breaking to see the O's lose, but refreshing to see them actually put up a good fight!

On Saturday we finally went to
Ray's Hell Burger!! Check out yesterday's post for more on that experience.

From Ray's we walked toward downtown and through Georgetown.

Then we went to the
International Spy Museum. When Living Social had a 1/2 off special for this museum, Jay and I purchased tickets. We had yet to experience this DC museum (because it actually costs money!!!). The Spy Museum was entertaining, fun and informative, but I think the museum is only worth $9 I paid . I would have been disappointed if I paid the full $18 (jeez!).
There are a lot of interactive sections in the museum and even a little role playing. It begins just like the Holocaust Museum. Everyone rides an elevator to the top to get "briefed" about their experience. Obviously, unlike the Holocaust Museum, the Spy Museum is light but still educational.

We were sooo tired from our late night out at a 1/2 way to St. Pat's Party on Friday and our day of walking that we stayed in and played The Settlers of Catan with our roommate and her boyfriend. I know what you are thinking, not ANOTHER board game. Yes, The Settlers of Catan is our new addiction!
Overall I would say we had a great weekend with a great friend!
How was your weekend?