Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Quinoa

Emily posted a mouth watering recipe, Vegan Caprese Summer Salad that reminded me of my mom’s dish. Originally, I fully intended to make the vegan version. Apparently my brain was elsewhere, because I bought both fresh mozzarella and tofu. Oops!

Since I can do a lot more with tofu, I opted to use the mozzarella on my dinner tonight.


I put the salad on top of some Quinoa to add an extra protein punch. Granted I did cook the quinoa in chicken broth because I had some left over. But, this could have easily been a vegetarian or vegan meal.

I also worked on some lingering wedding clean-up tasks. I have been meaning to bind our wedding cards. I originally got the idea from pinterest. Sadly, I could not find a legitimate link.


The task was quite easy! I simply used a three whole punch to punch two holes in the cards and then used 2 binder rings per set. The only annoying aspect of this project was that I had to punch one card at a time. Surprisingly this task went a lot quicker than I thought it would.

After I was all finished, I put the cards into my almost complete wedding box.


In the box, I have samples of all the spreadsheets, kid’s books, place cards, etc. I also added a few pressed flowers and I dried my bouquet. And of course I included all the things  wore on my wedding day that were not borrowed.

I owe you all a few wedding recaps. I will get there, hopefully soon ;)

Which recipe have you been inspired by or reminded of an old favorite?