Sunday, July 15, 2012


This weekend quickly went from being potentially busy to rather relaxing.

In March, I had my first ‘body scan’ with the Dermatologist. My father and both his parents have had melanoma spots removed, so I figured it was about time to get checked out. My appointment went really well, but my dermatologist was really concerned about a mole at the center of my breast-bone. I have had the mole my entire life, but I could not confidently tell her it hadn't changed. 

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Normally, she would have biopsied it right then and there, but since I was getting married in a few short months and the area will easily scar, she had me make an appointment for after my wedding. Therefore 2 weeks ago, I went back and had the biopsy.

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This week I was upset when I found out I had to have MORE of the mole removed because it was atypical. Its right at the center of my breast bone and therefore you can see it in almost every picture of my face. I had already come to terms that I would have a scar from the biopsy, but another procedure? After thinking about it, I realized stitches would heal a lot better than my current biopsy cut and a scar is much better than the eventual cancer that could grow there.

What I wasn’t expecting was how big the bandage would have to be to cover my 3cm of stitches. Believe it or not that one is a lot better than the one we originally had on it.

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Since I am now past the 24 hour mark, I don’t need to keep it covered. Unfortunately it itches a lot so I am keeping it covered so I don’t play with it.  Just like the instructions say, I am keeping it moist with Vaseline, and avoiding hydrogen peroxide (who know you weren’t supposed to put that on?).  My cousin told me once, that if a wound doesn’t scab over, it won’t scar.  Here’s hoping!


Have you ever had stitches?

And yes, this was the first time I had ever gotten stitches in my adult life. The first time I got stitches, I was four and I have very little memory of that healing process.

The other disappointing thing about this little procedure is it did interrupt my weekend plans. Originally, I was supposed to go to a bachelorette party Saturday night. While I probably could have gone, both Jay and I agreed it was risky.

First of all because I would either have gone smelly or would have been late because I had to wait until 5 p.m. Saturday to shower. The party started at 5 p.m. and it was in Annapolis (at least an hour away). Jay’s standpoint has been do everything possible these next few days to ensure that it heals correctly. Therefore no bachelorette party, no High Intensity training and no cycle. He said workouts can resume Wednesday.

The good news, I still get to have BBQ with Paul and Hilary tonight :)

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Therefore Jay and I are taking it easy this weekend and relaxing.  I want this baby to heal correctly and fully before we leave the country next month. And by relaxing, I mean playing indoor bocce ball and Labyrinth.

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Have you ever had a skin check or scan?