Jay and I switched computers this week because he has to make a presentation for his internship. He's almost done, I can't believe it's already been 3 months.
The switch up has me blogging on his iPad. At first I was less than thrilled, but as I type this I have to say I really like it. It makes me hopeful for our New Zealand trip, where I hope to post a picture every day or so.
I decided to use the "BlogPress" App. So far, so good, but I'll see how this week goes before I give a full review.
Anyway, this past weekend Jay and I accompanied my parents to the beach. Sadly, Saturday was a bit chilly, windy and rainy. We managed to have a good time anyway as we drank and played board games. I know that surprises no one.
That evening we headed to the board walk for my moms annual henna tattoo and dinner.

We ended up eating at Marina Deck on 2nd street on the Bay side. If the weather cooperated we would have a had a great view of the sunset over the bay.

Sadly, the food was only average. Nothing to write home about. They do give you a lot of food for the value. Each meal comes with a salad and side.

I ordered a dish that had a crab cake on top of a portobello mushroom with imperial sauce. On the side I had their seasonal fresh vegetables, which were eh. While dinner may not have been a home run, it was nice company.
Sunday, we got really lucky with a beautiful beach day but had to leave around 2 so we could drive back to Baltimore and then me to DC. Yes, I have our car.
I'm not sure if I have mentioned this, but while Jay has been in Baltimore he has had our car. I have been living in DC carless and believe it or not, I haven't minded it. Yes, I would have loved to have a car the day I had my mole removed, but I could get there easily without one.
Today, I had the joy of having the car. It was very nice for getting my stitches removed and grocery shopping, but honestly I missed all the time I normally get to read.

So here we are my beautiful scar, full of character. I have been told that by massaging it with Vaseline and vitamin e and skipping out on the sun that next year it should be barely noticeable. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
How was your weekend?