Yikes, I'm falling off the blogging bandwagon. I think of all months, this month is when goals will be key. Believe it or not, I'll be MARRIED in 38 days. What is funny is I am not worried about marriage at all, I am more inundated by all the things we (I) have to do before the big day.
I think the biggest reason I am NOT worried about being married is because of the relationship Jay and I have built. We are VERY open with each other (i.e. no secrets). We have both tried keeping things from each other, but it always comes out in a day or two (i.e. someone's iPad...). We have also already crossed the money threshold. Last weekend, I gave Jay his credit card (under my name), we merged Mint.com accounts and we checked in with his student loans (which are crazy scary but not as bad as I remember them :).
I have to say we are in a comfortable position and will be able to survive until he finds a job this fall. Our financial situation actually comforted me. Yes, we have to overcome his student loans, but we aren't doing half bad, as long as we continue to budget and set aside money for anticipated expenses (i.e. wedding we're in, car maintenance, health etc.). Hopefully when we do get caught off guard, our Emergency Fund will cover it.
But enough about money, let's regroup and talk about how I did in April and what I would like to achieve in May.
Crafts: Work on wedding crafts and finish chalkboard signs
SUCCESS! Chalkboard signs are done thanks to Charlotte (as well as many other wedding crafts). I have a few things here and there to finish, but overall I feel like the crafts are under control.
Books: Finish The Poisonwood Bible
FAIL: I still have a little left in the book. Honestly, with all the craziness I have been enjoying doing NOTHING on the metro. I definitely want to finish the book by the end of the month and fall back in love with reading.
Running: Go on one long run a week
Semi-Success: I ran each weekend but some of my runs weren't as long as I would have liked. In May, I would like to continue to try and get one 6+ mile run in a week.
Gym Classes: Attend 7 gym classes
SUCCESS: I attended 10 gym classes this month. In May I would like to attend at least 10 classes.
My Core: Work my abs 16 days
Semi-Success: My biggest problem with abs work is I am not consistent and I am awful about tracking it. In May I would like to continue to work my abs 16 days and actually track it.
Sweets: Continue to redefine desserts
Semi-Success: I am doing a lot better than before. I am not eating as many sweets which is a plus.
Recipes: Create one recipe for the blog
FAIL: No recipes this month. I think the goal will be put on the back burner until July.
A quick note about my post on Getting’ My Butt in Gear: I have to say I feel a lot better. I feel so much better now that my diet is cleaner and Jay and I are being a little more active. It’s amazing how a few small actions can go a long way.