Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions for 2012

2011 was definitely a year to remember, as will 2012. I am staring 2012 in the face with huge milestones. In my mind huge milestones mean lots of hopefully realistic New Years Resolutions.


Have a Fantastic Honeymoon

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While 2012 will definitely be one to remember for Jay and I, it will also be one for change. Jay will become a Doctor of Physical Therapy this year which could create some major changes in our lives. I’m most excited for the dual income ;) but I also know that we will have other decisions to make as well. His unpredictable summer may lead to less than ideal Honeymoon plans. Ideally, we would both love to go to New Zealand for a month, but it may not be in the cards this year. Regardless, I know we’ll have a fantastic honeymoon, no matter where we go because we’ll be together.


Maintain my Current Savings

Quite simply, exactly what this New Years Resolution says. I want to enjoy my wedding and honeymoon. Both are huge bank account drains. Instead of dreading the inevitable lack of savings, I want to rejoice in what I have. I have worked hard to build a solid savings account, so this year I just want to break even.


Look Fantastic on my Wedding Day


This goal is so subjective and I know I will look fantastic regardless (Doesn't every bride on her wedding day?). Regardless, I have put into place some mini goals to get me there.

I feel my best when I am running, working out and eating right. The easiest way for me to stay on track is to fill my schedule with races. Done and done (I have three races paid for between March and May)! 

I'll get to fitness in a second, so the next way is eating right. I am really going to concentrate on this during the first half of the year. I am usually so good about limiting the sweeties (except for the holidays) and eating REAL food. So my goal is to continue doing just that.

The final part of this resolution is to pamper myself before the wedding. I have never had a manicure or pedicure. You better believe that is changing this spring. 


Start Going to Spin Class


Every year I feel the challenge to improve my fitness. In 2012 I want to continue to attend BodyPump, High Intensity Training and the occasional Yoga class. But, I also want to start attending Spin class. I have heard Spin is a great aerobic activity. I love LOVE to run, but I also know its hard on my body. I hope Spin can be a great alternative to my favorite sport.


Learn to Roll with the Punches

Sarah and surprises are not synonymous. This year I really want to learn to roll with the punches. Stress gets everyone down, but controlling it will make me a happier person. It should be interesting to see how my own personal Happiness Project goes.


Read 20 Books in 2012


I read 16 books in 2011 (blogged about all but 1). Coincidently, the one book I have not blogged about is the one that took me months to finish (Pillars of the Earth). Pillars was by far one of the best books I read in 2011, but it also took me FOREVER. In 2012 I would like to surpass the number of books I read in 2011 by 4.


Double my all Time Page Views


Let's be honest, I have a very little tiny space in the blog world. Despite my blogs size, I have found that my commitment to blogging directly correlates with my page fits per day, week and month. Doubling my all time page views for the blog in 2012 is very attainable, but will definitely take some effort (especially since I plan to run off to New Zealand for a month).


Reduce Environmental Impact


In the past 2 weeks I have already started to put this plan into motion. Since Jay and I moved to DC we have lessened our Environmental Impact in leaps and bounds. I have a feeling I can continue to improve this and will tell you all about it in the next few months.


Enjoy the Outdoors by Taking 5 Trips


I am hoping this resolution is easy to attain. The truth is both Jay and I love going camping, hiking and backpacking. The problem is we just never go!! Looking back at 2011, we only made it out to Shenandoah twice!! We did camp nearly as much, managed one local hike and we didn’t go backpacking (even though we now own all the equipment). I already know of 3 trips that will include the great outdoors, the question is can we find time for 2 more (including local hikes)?

What are your 2012 New Years Resolutions?