Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grocery Challenge: An Update

Back in April, Jay and I completed a Grocery Store Challenge where we tried to keep our grocery bill under $300 for the month. In the month of May, I was a little less obsessive about taking pictures and tracking our groceries from week to week and we still managed to spend just about $300.

The first week of June was a very small shop for us (only $50), as we continued to diminish the food supplies we had built up. But, this week we took advantage of several in-store deals. Below is our lovely lot of groceries that we managed to only spend $92.83 on!!!


  • Taco Seasoning
  • 1 block of Cheese
  • 1 carton of Cherry Tomatoes
  • Tortilla Shells
  • Cilantro
  • Oreos
  • Lettuce
  • Club Crackers
  • Carrots
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Avocado
  • Bread
  • Sour Cream
  • Green Pepper
  • Peaches
  • Bananas
  • 2 packages of Shredded Cheese
  • 2 Creamers
  • 2 packages of Ground Turkey
  • 1 tub of Ice Cream
  • 2 tubs of Hummus
  • 4 Yogurts
  • 3 packages of Frozen Stir Fry Veggies
  • Mushrooms
  • 2 tubs of Lunch Meat
  • 2 bottles of Teriyaki Sauce
  • 3 boxes of Cereal

While the amount we spent is impressive, I was more proud of what we saved, $26.82! Yes, our bill was way into the $100 mark once the cashier had rung up our groceries. The best part, we only used 2 coupons! It felt fantastic to see our bill slowly edge its way back down into the 90’s.

teeter receipt

So, how did we do it? Every item on the right-hand side was part of a special. For example, the Ground Turkey was buy-one-get-one-free. As I have mentioned before, I am all about buy-one-get-one-free if I can freeze it or it has a long shelf life. Looks like we are set one a few staples for a while ;)


In other very random news,, look what sprouted in my balcony box!! Yes, Jay planted an Olive seed in my little garden (without telling me) and it is actually growing (he didn’t think it would actually grow). Looks like we may need to transplant that little sucker so it can grow into a nice healthy olive tree!

Have you ever planted a fruit or vegetable seed? Did yours grow?