Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In Her Shoes

This review is long over due. On the flight to and from Orlando for work, I read In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner. This was the second time I picked up the book, the first time I had a lot of trouble getting into the book and eventually sat it down. A few years later, I have seen the movies, but have heard that the book (as always) is 100x better. So I tried again.


This time, I loved the book! The book was easier to get into because I knew what was happening. In this case, I am glad I saw the movie and gave the book another try. I waited about a year between seeing the movie and reading the book. I am glad I did because this gave me enough time to forget some of the details, so I was still guessing what exactly happened until the minute I read the scene in the book. I have a similar rule for Harry Potter books/movies. I first read the books as they come out and then refrain from reading the book 6 months prior to the movie. It allows me to enjoy both book and movie as individual entities instead of the same work.

In Her Shoes is a well written portrait of two sisters as they search for themselves as individuals. I would recommend it to anyone who is willing to read past page 50 where, in my opinion, the book becomes very good. Once I was into the book I could not put it down!!!

Have you read In Her Shoes, what did you think?

I also wanted to thank y’all for all the kind comments and tweets regarding Jay and I’s engagement. I was definitely a little overwhelmed about planning the wedding earlier this week. Now I am starting to feel more comfortable and am beginning to enjoy the process. Today, I checked major items off the “to-do list” in regards to my ring. I think it is always good to keep in mind that things happen for a reason and it will all work out.

Do you have any wedding planning advice?

Further, I do not plan on this blog turning into wedding central but also plan to share the details as they become concrete.

Later, this week I hope to entertain you with a softball game, a crazy weekend and maybe even a fun new recipe.