Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kissing Frogs

It's like a storybook tale right? Well, not exactly! But, in my opinion it was just as good and had an even better message!

Kissing Frogs in Cyberspace by Dianne Sweeney is a quick, easy and entertaining read about one woman's journey to find a man in Cyberspace but instead finds something else, herself.

Dianne makes internet dating entertaining as she describes the various characters she encounters over her 6 month journey. She pokes fun at human nature and our capability to be someone else on the web. She is insightful pointing out that we all just want the same thing, to have fun and be in love. We all think we are fun people, right?

This book is an easy read, with short chapter's, perfect for any metro commute. And, this princess is teaching women to love themselves, FIRST!

Have you read a good book lately? Send me your review and I'll post it!