Thursday, October 4, 2012
This Blog had Moved
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I am an Awful Blogger
I know what y’all are thinking. I did a fantastic job at blogging everyday throughout our vacation and then leave y’all hanging on the return. Sadly, I still owe you (myself really) a recap of our last day. This isn’t it, but here is a picture of us on a bridge.
Believe it (or not), I really enjoyed blogging throughout our vacation. Not that I ever lost my drive for blogging, but more that I was reminded why I blog.
On vacation, my blog replaced my vacation journal, which is awesome! I did buy a journal for vacation, which Jay promptly adopted. So while I blogged on the iPad, he journal-ed (OK, it was more like doodled) about our day. Yes, we are meant for each other. The other positive is that I have no desire to spend my time on a scrap book.
Today, I just wanted to stop in and say “hi” and tell you about my message from this weekend. Yes, I am moving to self-hosting. Before our trip, I feel like I was stuck in a set rhythm and am looking for ‘the next step’, or a challenge, you might say. But unfortunately it is taking longer than I expected. At first, I was very upset about Bloggers custom domain issues because it meant I could not get unaffiliated from Blogger. Now I realize what a blessing that is.
So here I am, three free Wordpress themes later, an entire day on the couch customizing, a little bit of talking, a lot of blog stalking and now I am more confident with the design direction I am headed.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m done. Add in a husband who is studying for the boards (aka needs my social interaction in the evening) and doesn’t want to cook every night and you have my lame excuse for me not blogging.
Though, I have to say I did learn something amazing Monday. Jay is a great vegetable chopper. When I chop vegetable for our Roasted Fall Vegetables I tend to chop very chunky. Monday when Jay chopped the veggies (while I was on the couch coding) he chopped them in beautiful 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch squares.
Which resulted in the perfect size veggies for dinner that evening and our Fall Veggie Mini Pizzas this evening. I’m sorry Jay, but I have just discovered your new cooking job.
Besides roasted root veggies, we also had baked Tofu. I simply marinated Tofu slabs in soy sauce and sprinkled them with some Cajun seasoning. Jay loved them (yes ladies, I got my man to love tofu) and nicknamed it Bacon Tofu. I wouldn’t go that far, but I am very happy that he has learned to love this staple as much as I do.
Our dinner base was millet and I had some Brussel Sprouts (Jay isn’t a fan aka more for me!).
That’s all for this evening, I hope to be back all week and revealing the new blog this weekend. Jay’s busy this weekend which means I can spend Saturday evening writing blog code :). No complaints here.

Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sorry for the Lack of Posts